
Partnering with Employers to Prepare Students for Career Readiness


Our employer partnerships are a collaborative effort to end poverty through education, 通过我们的许多机会与我们的学生接触,可以使您的业务互惠互利, too. 帮助学生探索职业选择, 做出明智的职业决定, and answer the ‘why’ as students learn new skills.

As the largest provider of talent in higher education in South Texas, 你的下一位明星员工来了!



  • Access to our free job bank, Handshake, accessible to over 60,000 students and alumni

  • Collaborate with faculty on Advisory Program Reviews and curriculum

  • Join our career fairs and industry targeted hiring events

  • 为学生准备实习计划

  • 参加我们的职业演讲系列

  • Advance employee talent development with our 商业和行业解决方案

Our partnership has the potential to reach over 60,000 students across our five colleges - 东北湖景学院, 西北维斯塔学院, Palo Alto College, 圣安东尼奥学院和圣. Philip's College.

Have you posted a Job Opportunity in our Student Job Bank - Handshake?



Help Students Gain Experience, Make Connections


Enhance your employee team with our unique student population and programs spanning across six AlamoINSTITUTES; Creative & 传播艺术、商业 & 企业家精神、健康 & 生物科学,先进制造 & 后勤,公共服务,科学 & Technology.

Our employer partnerships are a collaborative effort to end poverty through education. 帮助学生探索职业选择, 做出明智的职业决定 and answer the ‘why’ as students learn new skills.


  • studentworking350x250.pngPost Positions/Direct Hiring using Handshake to help students gain work experience. 

    Post positions for free to the student job board, Handshake, accessible to students at all five colleges of the 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区.


    1. 使用雇主的工作电邮地址及密码登入以下连结,以注册新帐户: New Employer. Note: Registration provides access to post positions to all five colleges.

    2. Complete the registration form, agree to the Employer Guidelines, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy.*

    3. Click 下一步:确认邮件 to verify your account via the employer work email address provided.

    4. View the detailed Employer Guide 网上查询详情和步骤 How to Post a Job  

    Questions? 让我们知道我们如何能帮助使用 雇主合伙表格.

  • WomanOnBench350x250.jpg澳门正规博彩十大排行平台为符合条件的勤工俭学学生提供为非营利组织和政府机构工作的机会,以获得联邦勤工俭学奖(社区勤工俭学: CWS) or for private-sector employers (Private-Sector Work-Study: PWS) in jobs that align with their field of study.

    这些勤工俭学的经历对学生来说很有价值,因为他们有机会澳门正规博彩十大排行平台课堂学习, 为雇主增加价值, gain relevant experience and begin to build a professional network. According to employer surveys, these work-study opportunities 提高学生的适销性 在大学毕业时.


    Non-profit & Governmental Agencies and Public School Systems


    Small Private-Sector Businesses (as defined by 13 CF 121.101)




    Alamo Colleges manages all HR matters and issues student payroll.

    了解更多关于社区勤工俭学的信息 了解更多关于私营部门勤工俭学的信息
  • spcstudentworker350x250.png

    实习是一种与学习领域相关的工作经验,可以让学生在专业环境中工作,获得有价值的知识, training, and skills.

    这种经历也让大学生有机会探索和更好地定义自己的职业兴趣. 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台欢迎各种规模的企业为我们的学生提供实习机会.


    • agree to compensate the intern and to abide by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
    • 适应学生的学历
    • 提供一个学习经验,提供澳门正规博彩十大排行平台在课堂上学到的知识
    • offer an experience that has a defined beginning and end
    • provide a job description with desired qualifications
    • 安排在学生学习领域具有专业知识的专业人员进行监督和反馈
    • supply the resources, equipment, and facilities that support student learning


    Visit y9wp.tayhgd.net/pws for more details.

    如果你的公司有兴趣为澳门正规博彩十大排行平台的学生提供兼职工作,注册一个 与新雇主握手.


  • mentor350x250.png促进与学生的互动:
    • 自愿做导师
    • Host a volunteer group within the Advocacy Centers
    • Host or participate in off and on-campus community events
    • 向我们的宣传中心捐赠物品或资金
    • Volunteer in college-sponsored community events

    作为全区致力于学生成功和满足贫困学生需求的一部分, on-campus advocacy centers have been implemented across all five of the Alamo Colleges.


    Submit an 雇主合伙表格 确定你的兴趣.

  • speaker350x250.png指导服务,利用您的行业专业知识,为学生做好职业准备:职业演讲系列,简历制作/面试技巧, Career Fairs, 学生领导, Study Abroad, Clubs. 

    Share your occupational expertise with students to prepare them for career readiness. Topics can include industry-specific information or career development topics, 比如,写作, interview skills, leadership, and more.


    Career Services Representatives Email Addresses

    东北湖景学院 西北维斯塔学院   Palo Alto College   St. Philip's College 圣安东尼奥学院

    Submit an 雇主合伙表格 确定你的兴趣.

  • nlcstudent350x250.png为什么澳门正规博彩十大排行平台地区有市场技能
    • 确保学生和工人拥有增加社会流动性所需的市场和专业技能
    • Position workers for greater competitiveness in the job market
    • Resulting in a verified digital credential that communicates in-demand skills
    • 为学生提供解决劳动力技能差距和提升专业技能的机会






    在完全的在线学习体验, participants practice the skills needed to achieve competencies. For example, participants in the Career Management skills training learn, practice, and are assessed on the demonstration of these skills:

    • Learning about career options that fit with personal interests
    • Searching and applying for jobs using the internet
    • Creating a resume and cover letter with step-by-step instructions
    • Practicing interview techniques and self-advocacy



    • 促进各项技能培训课程
    • Grades submissions
    • Provides feedback
    • 评估子胜任力的展示
    • After completing a skills-based learning experience, participants earn a digital badge to showcase their skills on social media, resumes, and e-portfolios.


    Alamo Colleges offers stand-alone skills training for the following in-demand skills:

    • Oral Communication
    • 书面交流
    • Career Management
    • Resilience
    • Collaboration


  • smilingstudent350x250.pngRelated to employee development: Customized training, 行业认证, 人才发展, 提高我们的技能 商业和行业解决方案.

    We can help you reach your business goals through:

    • 行业及员工评估
    • 定制培训、研讨会和讲习班
    • 特别节目和博览会
    • 行业认证 
    • 按你的时间表交付
    • 职业预测
    •  我们与大大小小的组织合作

    Submit an 雇主合伙表格 to identify the training program for your company.





有成功的故事要分享吗? Contact us!





Post positions for free to the student job board, Handshake, accessible to students at all five colleges of the 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区.


  1. 使用雇主的工作电邮地址及密码登入以下连结,以注册新帐户: New Employer. Note: Registration provides access to post positions to all five colleges.  

  2. Complete the registration form, agree to the Employer Guidelines, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy.*

  3. Click 下一步:确认邮件 to verify your account via the employer work email address provided

  4. View the detailed Employer Guide 网上查询详情和步骤 How to Post a Job

smiling male and female Alamo Colleges students looking at a laptop


We reserve the right to refuse service to include job postings/on-site recruiting services.  Employers requesting bank account/social security numbers, 申请费用或捐款将被拒绝. Concerns of fraudulent business practices are evaluated using NACE’s Principles for Ethical Professional Practice.




The AlamoEXPERIENCE模型 与雇主合作,确保每个学生都能获得体验式学习体验, 为学生提供探索职业选择的机会,并在他们所选择的行业中发展相关的联系.


经验是与a配对的 NACE职业准备能力 and documented on the students’ AlamoEXPERIENCE成绩单.


A students’ AlamoEXPERIENCE成绩单 is a verified record, 记录学生的参与度, 包括体验式学习经验.



Contact Us

Have questions? 我们很乐意帮忙.

让我们知道我们如何能帮助使用 雇主合伙表格.